All entries by this author

Sex Ed 101: Learning lessons from Zambia

Feb 18th, 2021 | By

By Joshua Mirondo, youth writer for Transition Earth. [Editor’s note:  Access to reproductive health services and sex education is a priority for all countries. And it saves lives.  Some 214 million women in the developing world have an unmet need for family planning.  Meeting this need for family planning services would prevent 76,000 maternal deaths
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The Economics of Nature: The Need for Transformative Change

Feb 11th, 2021 | By
rwenzori double collared in flight

By Suzanne York. It was a blip for most news outlets, but a recent report out of the UK – led by Cambridge economist Professor Sir Partha Dasgupta – underscores the global biodiversity crisis and humans relationship with Nature.  The fact that it comes from an economic viewpoint has its pros and cons, but is
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Facing Our Collective Zombie-like Future: Solutions to Address Global Problems Head-on

Jan 27th, 2021 | By
[photo: Creative Commons/NOAA]

By Suzanne York. The threats to the planet by human actions have been studied and reported for decades.  Almost every day now sees reports of the latest research on the fraying of planetary health, for nature and for humans.  We can’t plead ignorance at destroying the Earth. One such study, released earlier this month, addresses the
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Nature is Sex Positive: That’s a Good Thing

Dec 21st, 2020 | By
[Image: Public Domain Super Heroes]

By Geoffrey Holland, contributing writer. Sex has been around for two billion years. Trillions of plants and animals of countless varieties have come and gone on Earth over that time. All but the simplest, non-nucleated organisms were the progeny of a female and male of their species, who shared a moment of sexual union.  
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Why 2050 is too darned late…

Dec 2nd, 2020 | By
Jcribb photo 2

By Julian Cribb, guest writer. One and a half million people are already dead, mostly because their governments did not act on sound medical advice about Covid in sufficient time. The question of our Age is how many will die if governments the world over fail to act in time on: global heating, global poisoning,
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It Comes Down to Love

Nov 22nd, 2020 | By
[Photo: Russell Oliver, Creative Commons]

By Geoffrey Holland, contributing writer for Transition Earth. Women and Nature; they are inextricable.  You can’t love one if you don’t love the other. The world we live in is in very deep trouble, because we have failed to love either sufficiently. Consider how we got here. Think about the human journey the past three
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From ‘Day Zero’ to ‘Spaceship Earth’ – Confronting Global Water Scarcity

Nov 16th, 2020 | By
[Photo: Tom Raftery, Flickr/Creative Commons]

By Suzanne York. ‘Day Zero’ – it’s a term so applicable to our times of environmental overreach. If you aren’t familiar with the term, it came into vogue a couple of years ago when Cape Town, South Africa, was facing a water crisis of fairly epic proportions.  Day Zero was the city’s term for the
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The End of Exceptionalism

Nov 4th, 2020 | By

By Geoffrey Holland, contributing writer for Transition Earth. It’s amazing to me that so many Americans continue to buy into the myth that because of our citizenship, we are entitled to the ‘American Dream’, and are smarter and more worthy than everybody else on the planet. When white Europeans began immigrating to the American continent, they brought with
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Green Hydrogen – Nature’s Energy Commodity

Oct 20th, 2020 | By
Photo: Airbus plane

By Geoffrey Holland, contributing writer for Transition Earth.   The imminent collapse of the fossil fuel industrial civilization could occur sometime between 2023 and 2030. ~ Jeremy Rifkin, Foundation on Economic Trends   [i] In September, 2020, Barron’s reported on a Goldman-Sachs study that says, ‘Green Hydrogen’ will become a $12 trillion market. What Powers Life? 
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The Dramatic Decline of Earth’s Biodiversity

Sep 19th, 2020 | By
[image: UNEP]

By Suzanne York. It feels like a moment of truth for humans and nature.  It’s obvious we are in ecological breakdown and need to change course, but will we do it? The weather is becoming increasingly erratic and harsh, from heatwaves in Europe to floods in South Asia.  Antarctica’s “doomsday” glacier is breaking. There are
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