All entries by this author

Youth Rising: Empowering Youth on a Growing Continent

Jul 18th, 2024 | By
Josh Mirondo, second from right, at the AYSRHR conference.

By Joshua Mirondo, Transition Earth. The world’s population of youth (ages 15–24) is the largest in history, with more than 1.2 billion falling into this category of young people. Almost a billion of these young people live in developing countries. The number of youth is projected to increase 62 percent in the economically poorest countries
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Gasping for Breath – Valuing Clean Air for Vulnerable Populations

Jun 26th, 2024 | By
Photo by Kouji Tsuru on Unsplash

By Suzanne York. There are so many detrimental impacts from human activities that are extremely harmful to both people and the planet.  The worst ones – and there are many – affect children, the elderly and other vulnerable populations the most.  And yet we aren’t trying very hard to change the situation. Increasingly Gray Skies
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Heatwaves and Climate Disruption in Africa and Beyond

May 4th, 2024 | By
Unsplash - Md. Hasanuzzaman Himel

By Joshua Mirondo, Transition Earth. April marked the 11th consecutive month of record global heat, and countries around the world are breaking heat records.  The unprecedented temperatures are taking a toll on people (and nature), making daily life a challenge for many.   This is especially true in Sub-Saharan Africa. Since the start of 2024, there
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The Anthropocene: We’re In It, Like It or Not

Apr 8th, 2024 | By
[Photo by Sylwia Bartyzel on Unsplash]

By Suzanne York. Are we living in a new climate epoch due to how human activities have affected the planet itself? A number of scientists think so, and have been saying for more than a decade, that Earth is now in the Anthropocene epoch.  But it is a contentious issue, and last month, the highest
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Women Hold the Keys to a Thriving World

Mar 7th, 2024 | By
[20231116_UNEP_Decade on Ecosystem Restoration_Forest Gardens_Senegal_Todd Brown_1]

By Suzanne York. The theme of International Women’s Day 2024 is ‘Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress’, with a focus on addressing economic disempowerment. Women and girls bear the brunt of so much in the world today, and empowering them through abundant support for health, rights, education, and sustainable livelihoods – especially in the face of changing
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Will This be the Year for Rights of Nature?

Jan 29th, 2024 | By
Photo by v2osk on Unsplash

By Suzanne York. The coming years might be a wild ride. 2023 was the warmest year on record, and this year could be even hotter. Nature is declining globally at rates unprecedented in human history, and the rate of species extinctions is accelerating. Human activities are impacting the world to such an extent that our
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Crossing the Rubicon? Planetary Boundaries & Tipping Points

Dec 12th, 2023 | By
Photo by Tj Holowaychuk on Unsplash

By Suzanne York. The year 2023, not surprisingly, will end up being the warmest year in recorded history, according to the European Union’s Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S). Many other organizations have said the same. Every month since June has been the hottest such month on record. We’ve been warned, over and over and over and… The
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We Can’t Say We Weren’t Warned

Sep 5th, 2023 | By
red flag warning

By Suzanne York. Given all that is happening in the world right now, it seems a good time to revisit the Scientists Warning to Humanity. First issued in 1992, it cautioned that “a great change in our stewardship of the Earth and the life on it is required, if vast human misery is to be
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Ecological Tipping Points: Eyes Wide Open

Jul 10th, 2023 | By
july hottest days

By Suzanne York. Does it seem that dire climate and environmental news is everywhere right now?  Could we be at a tipping point and possibly crossing irreversible planetary thresholds? Ironically, this could be happening at the same time as awareness of these issues amongst the general public is on the rise. All of a sudden
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‘Without nature, we have nothing’ – Saving Ourselves by Saving Nature

May 19th, 2023 | By

By Suzanne York, Transition Earth. We inhabitants of planet Earth face a dizzying array of challenges, from climate change to plastic waste to pandemics. Our species has such a tremendous impact on the planet that many scientists believe we are in the midst of the sixth mass extinction and that the name of our epoch
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