Posts Tagged ‘ reproductive health ’

Youth Rising: Empowering Youth on a Growing Continent

Jul 18th, 2024 | By
Josh Mirondo, second from right, at the AYSRHR conference.

By Joshua Mirondo, Transition Earth. The world’s population of youth (ages 15–24) is the largest in history, with more than 1.2 billion falling into this category of young people. Almost a billion of these young people live in developing countries. The number of youth is projected to increase 62 percent in the economically poorest countries
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Celebrating the Impact of ‘Mr. Condom’

Nov 13th, 2022 | By

By Suzanne York. A global conference on reproductive health and rights is perhaps appropriately taking place in a city chock full of red-light districts and sex tourism. There is clearly a great need for family planning, access to reproductive health services and empowerment of sex workers here in Thailand’s ‘sin city’ of Pattaya.   The
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Football and the Power to Strengthen Reproductive Rights

Mar 28th, 2022 | By
[Figure 1 - One of the girls teams lining up before their game]

By Joshua Mirondo, Transition Earth. Young people are diverse and so are their needs, therefore to get their attention, one needs to be considerate. In a community where reproductive health is often called immoral, it takes a lot of work to break these barriers. Many interventions have been made to ensure that young people have
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Using Digital Innovations to End Teenage Pregnancies

Feb 18th, 2022 | By
[Figure 1 A mobiliser enrolling girls on the Tiko platform]

By Joshua Mirondo, youth writer for Transition Earth. At the age of 19, Martha (not her real name) is living with a mental disability in Uganda’s Odia, Arua district. She is a mother of two children, a 9-year-old and 4-year-old. Martha has no idea of who their fathers are and neither do the people with
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Supporting Reproductive Rights – Abortion and Ugandan Adolescents

Oct 13th, 2021 | By
[Photo: Unsplash/Photo by Reproductive Health Supplies Coaltion]

By Joshua Mirondo, youth writer for Transition Earth. Ugandan law prohibits abortion unless performed by a licensed medical doctor and a situation where a woman’s life is at risk. According to research by Alexander Kagaha & Lenore Manderson called Power, policy and abortion care in Uganda,unsafe abortion practices remain the major contributor to maternal death
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8 Billion People, Reproductive Health and Planetary Tipping Points

Jul 10th, 2020 | By

By Suzanne York. The news comes fast and furious these days.  Breaking stories, shocking tweets, and crucial studies all demand our attention.  Climate change, pandemics, environmental degradation, racial injustice, inequality, human rights violations – each of these alone needs to be understood and thoroughly addressed. Beyond that though, it’s also important, maybe more than ever,
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Sexual & Reproductive Health and COVID-19: How the Lockdown is Affecting Uganda

Apr 28th, 2020 | By
quarantine uganda

By Joshua Mirondo, youth writer for Transition Earth. The novel coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, is altering lives around the world.  Below is a closer look at how it is impacting Uganda, and peoples’ access to reproductive health. Uganda registered its first COVID-19 case on March 22nd, when a Ugandan citizen returned with the virus
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The Path to Empowerment: Linking Reproductive Health and the Environment

Mar 7th, 2020 | By
Women Entrepreneur using Ecostove

By Suzanne York. It’s a shame, given all the depressing and negative stories that drive the news cycles, that there isn’t a high-profile channel or platform dedicated only to positive actions. As the world celebrates International Women’s Day on March 8th, there is no better time to show how women are changing the world for
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Youth Empowerment: Supporting Young People Through Agriculture, Health and Life Skills

Apr 15th, 2019 | By
Jasper takes care of one the pigs got from YETA

By Joshua Mirondo, youth writer for Transition Earth. Adongo Jolly, a youth from Kanagai Sub County – Dokolo district in northern Uganda, said that she was shy and afraid to seek medical care even when sick. She had little information on sexual and reproductive health (SRHR) services, especially family planning. At the age of 24,
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What are Environmentalists Doing at a Family Planning Conference?

Nov 19th, 2018 | By

By Suzanne York. This question came up a few times at the International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP), a biennial gathering of reproductive health and rights advocates.  This year’s conference included a small number of attendees who address both reproductive health and conservation/environmental rights through a development approach known as PHE, or population, health and environment. The
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