All entries by this author

Did You Hear About the Latest Climate Report? Likely Not

Mar 27th, 2023 | By
[photo: Unsplash, Tobias Rademacher]

By Suzanne York, Transition Earth. The recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) summary report (‘Summary for Policymakers of the Synthesis Report’) dropped with little notice by major media outlets. That’s no surprise, given their track record on the issue, but it should clearly be a wake-up call for everyone. This report lays out what
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The Life-Affirming, Partnership Wisdom of Social Scientist, Riane Eisler

Dec 26th, 2022 | By
[photo: The Center for Partnership Systems}

By Geoffrey Holland, guest writer. “In sum, the struggle for our future is the struggle between those who cling to patterns of domination and those working for a more equitable, partnership world.” ~Riane Eisler, Author,  The Chalice and the Blade There is nothing we can do collectively as global citizens that would have more impact,
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Celebrating the Impact of ‘Mr. Condom’

Nov 13th, 2022 | By

By Suzanne York. A global conference on reproductive health and rights is perhaps appropriately taking place in a city chock full of red-light districts and sex tourism. There is clearly a great need for family planning, access to reproductive health services and empowerment of sex workers here in Thailand’s ‘sin city’ of Pattaya.   The
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The Power of Profit on a Stressed Planet

Sep 5th, 2022 | By
[Photo: Pixabay]

By Suzanne York. The planet is in an environmental crisis, yet money and power run the show above all else.  Nowhere is that more clear than in the money made by the fossil fuel industry.  Five major companies made $55 billion in their last quarter, with Exxon alone making $17.9 billion in net income. That
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Our Shared Planet

Jul 10th, 2022 | By
[Image credit: Image by ejaugsburg from Pixabay]

By Suzanne York. Most people learn about the importance of sharing at a young age.  It is a crucial behavior trait to learn for the good of individuals and society.  It is also critical to understand the role of sharing from a planetary perspective.  Human beings – nearly all 8 billion – share the Earth
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Overcoming Global Inertia: The Solutions to Make Earth Day Every Day

Apr 21st, 2022 | By
[Photo by Javier Miranda on Unsplash]

By Suzanne York, Transition Earth. The world is in a funk, recovering from Covid-19 and all that changed with the pandemic.  The cost of just about everything is rising and then we throw climate change into the mix – along with other entrenched problems that existed before Covid – and we have a crisis situation.
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I Speak ‘Gylany’: A New Language for Humanity

Mar 31st, 2022 | By

By Geoffrey Holland. Gylany is a new word.  It was first proposed by the social scientist Riane Eisler in her culturally transformative book The Chalice and the Blade, published in 1988. In her book, Eisler defines gylany as ‘the linking of both halves of humanity’. It’s women and men standing together as equals, sharing power.
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Football and the Power to Strengthen Reproductive Rights

Mar 28th, 2022 | By
[Figure 1 - One of the girls teams lining up before their game]

By Joshua Mirondo, Transition Earth. Young people are diverse and so are their needs, therefore to get their attention, one needs to be considerate. In a community where reproductive health is often called immoral, it takes a lot of work to break these barriers. Many interventions have been made to ensure that young people have
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An Entirely New Understanding of the Biosphere

Mar 9th, 2022 | By
Photo by Paweł Wiśniewski on Unsplash

By Geoffrey Holland, writer for Transition Earth. Let’s begin with a definition of the Biosemiosphere.  It is a term most likely first coined by Susan Petrilli in an essay published in 2015, but most recently greatly expanded upon by Michael Charles Tobias and Jane Gray Morrison, authors of a new book from Nova Science publishers
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Using Digital Innovations to End Teenage Pregnancies

Feb 18th, 2022 | By
[Figure 1 A mobiliser enrolling girls on the Tiko platform]

By Joshua Mirondo, youth writer for Transition Earth. At the age of 19, Martha (not her real name) is living with a mental disability in Uganda’s Odia, Arua district. She is a mother of two children, a 9-year-old and 4-year-old. Martha has no idea of who their fathers are and neither do the people with
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