Reproductive Rights/Women’s Rights

What Makes a Choice? (Part I)

Jan 21st, 2015 | By
[photo credit: Tammy Lang]

By Kimberly Absher, guest youth blogger, Promoting women’s health is my passion. My first exposure occurred in a community college class probably not titled Feminism 101, but it could have been. It blew my mind. I started volunteering at a YWCA day shelter for homeless and low-income women, set in an affluent corporate suburb
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Correcting a Past Mistake for the Sake of Women

Jan 5th, 2015 | By

By Suzanne York, Jesse Helms would undoubtedly turn over in his proverbial grave if he heard the New York Times advocating for changing the Helms Amendment to improve the lives of women in developing countries if it involves abortion. The Helms Amendment, first enacted in 1973, states that, “No foreign assistance funds may be
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Turning Pain Into Power: Congo’s City of Joy

Nov 13th, 2014 | By
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By Suzanne York, There is an African proverb that says “if you want to go fast, go alone.  If you want to go far, go together.” Last month, at the Bioneers conference, Eve Ensler (yes, that Eve Ensler of Vagina Monologues fame), gave a stirring and emotional talk about her work with women in
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Ending the Pattern of Pervasive Violence Against Women

Sep 9th, 2014 | By
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By Suzanne York, They are sent to protect citizens in horrific conflict and refugee conditions in countries in turmoil.  Women in these situations are incredibly vulnerable. Yet sadly, Human Rights Watch  has found that African Union (AU) peacekeepers in Somalia rape women seeking medicine on their bases and routinely pay teenage girls for sex.
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Refugees, Women’s Rights, and Reality in Gaza

Aug 4th, 2014 | By
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By Suzanne York, Try to imagine giving birth in a spartan refugee tent, or worse, while missiles are exploding around you.  Or simply visualize having to have your reproductive and women’s health needs met in a war zone. For women (and men) in the Gaza Strip, survival is paramount, but so is confronting the
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Will Congress Come to Bat for Women’s Rights?

Jun 23rd, 2014 | By
Community health worker gives a vaccination in Odisha state, India [photo credit:'s_health_in_India]

By Suzanne York, Last week there was action around the Global Gag Rule, an on-again, off-again 30-year-old policy detrimental to women’s reproductive health. The Global Gag Rule denies U.S. foreign assistance to organizations working overseas if they use private, non-U.S. funds to provide referrals, counseling, or access to safe abortion, even when it is legal in the country
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Acts of Violence Against Women: From India to the Congo to the USA

Jun 11th, 2014 | By
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By Suzanne York, It’s been a horrific year for women’s rights across the globe.   Just in the past couple of months there has been the kidnapping of nearly 300 girls in Nigeria, an “honor” killing of a pregnant woman in Pakistan, the rape and hanging of two teenage girls in India, and a
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The Intersection Between Our Environment and Reproductive Health

Apr 21st, 2014 | By
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By Suzanne York, What is the connection between the health of our bodies and the health of the planet? The sad reality is that every day products are damaging our health, especially the reproductive health of both women and men, and damaging our environment.  As people in the U.S. and around the world celebrate
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Polarization Over the Pill

Mar 26th, 2014 | By
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By Suzanne York, Yes, it is the 21st century, and hard as it is to believe, many people in the United States are opposed to health insurance plans covering birth control. How can someone be against contraception and empowering women to make the best choices for their own health and lives? The Supreme Court
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There is No Progress Without Empowering Women and Ending Inequality

Feb 20th, 2014 | By

By Suzanne York, Last week, the United Nations released a report that found that despite gains in reducing global poverty, growing inequalities will undo significant gains in health and longevity made over the past 20 years. According to the ICPD Beyond 2014 Global Report, the estimated 1 billion people living in the 50 to
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