
Blunting The Existential Inertia

Jun 29th, 2021 | By
[image: ELG21 from Pixabay]

By Geoffrey Holland, writer for Transition Earth. Existential means consequential, on a global scale. By various estimates, there are ten massive threats looming over all of humanity.  In concert, these threats pack more than enough punch to destroy civilization on Earth. ***** Humanity faces an existential crisis consisting of ten, interconnected, mega-threats all bearing down
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Respect: The First Step in ‘Saving’ Nature

Jun 4th, 2021 | By
[Image by Gerhard G. from Pixabay]

By Suzanne York. It seems likely that humans will learn the hard way that we are not the center of the planet, much less the universe.  As a species, we act as if we can plunder and have our way with the Earth and ignore the consequences. Or worse, push any contentious problems onto future generations.
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Gambling on Planetary Survival

Apr 22nd, 2021 | By
Spring Sun Shining Through Canopy Of Tall Oak Trees. Upper Branches Of Tree. Sunlight Through Green Tree Crown - Low Angle View.

By Suzanne York. We humans are running a very curious experiment on how much we can take from the planet before Nature tires of our exploitation.  Whether we survive to see the end of this experiment is the big question. There is a constant stream of news, reports, videos, tweets and discussions on the problems modern society
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Facing Our Collective Zombie-like Future: Solutions to Address Global Problems Head-on

Jan 27th, 2021 | By
[photo: Creative Commons/NOAA]

By Suzanne York. The threats to the planet by human actions have been studied and reported for decades.  Almost every day now sees reports of the latest research on the fraying of planetary health, for nature and for humans.  We can’t plead ignorance at destroying the Earth. One such study, released earlier this month, addresses the
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Overcoming Earth Overshoot By Respecting Nature

Aug 21st, 2020 | By
[photo: © lednichenkoolga; Creative Commons Attribution License]

By Suzanne York. Talk about timing.  Earth Overshoot Day, the date when humanity’s demands upon nature exceeds what Earth’s natural systems can renew in a given year, comes as California endures a wildfire hell.  Overshoot Day, however, is falling later than in past years, on August 22nd, due to the other hell the world is enduring, that
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The Nature of Sustainability

Aug 9th, 2020 | By
[Photo: Wikimedia Commons]

By Geoffrey Holland, guest writer for Transition Earth. Over the years, I have tried to be a student of good planetary stewardship.  The ultimate prize is a humanity that functions in harmony with nature. This is what comes when what we take from the biosphere balances out with what we give back to it. In
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A Tale of Collapse and Redemption

Jul 2nd, 2020 | By
planet on fire

By Geoffrey Holland, guest writer for Transition Earth. As I sit here isolated from the pandemic at home, I’ve been thinking a lot about the bigger picture.  The world we know has been set back on its keister by a global-scale force of nature.  It wasn’t done to us. We ourselves are responsible for its unleashing.
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Finding “Time for Nature” Means People are Part of Nature

Jun 5th, 2020 | By
Mountain gorilla, Bwindi Impenetrable Natl Park [photo: Suzanne York]

By Suzanne York. This is the year of upheaval and change and understanding that we are all in this together, this life on our little blue dot.   If the current inhabitants of Planet Earth don’t get that humans are part of the web of life by now, we are all in big trouble. To help
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Blueprint for Planetary Survival

May 14th, 2020 | By

By Suzanne York. We could call it the “COVID-19 void” or some such name, the period when so many important issues, reports, conferences and more fell to the wayside due to the overwhelming need to deal with the novel coronavirus. One such report was released last month that didn’t seem to garner much attention, which
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Opening Our Eyes to What We Can Achieve

Apr 16th, 2020 | By
[photo: Flickr Creative Commons]

By Suzanne York. If it wasn’t clear before this year, it should be crystal clear now:  we need to change our unsustainable ways of living. For our own sake, business as usual cannot continue.  We’re not talking about 9-5 jobs, shaking hands and public gatherings, though who knows what will happen with all that. No,
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