All entries by this author

Planetary Duty is a Feminist Construct

Jun 20th, 2019 | By
[Forest Scenery Creative Commons Nature Pictures]

By Geoffrey Holland, guest writer for Transition Earth. Have you noticed? We humans can be very destructive. For the longest time, where nature is concerned, we’ve been takers rather than givers. We’ve become very efficient at ripping up the landscape and stripping the life from our oceans.  On top of that, we produce massive quantities
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The Community-led Solution to Coping with Water Scarcity

Jun 5th, 2019 | By
Women building rainwater harvesting tanks

By Suzanne York. Fresh water – our most valuable of resources – is becoming increasingly scarce.  Yet the world blunders on, seemingly unaware, or at least uncaring, of the looming humanitarian crisis on the horizon. Water scarcity is becoming more and more common in many countries. About 4 billion people – nearly two-thirds of the world
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Our War Against the Natural World

May 8th, 2019 | By
Endangered young white rhino in Uganda [photo: Suzanne York]

By Suzanne York. It’s the type of story that should lead the news headlines all week.  But a report of critical significance for the entire world barely elicited a whimper from media, much less governments. The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services was compiled over the past three years by 145 expert authors from
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Youth Empowerment: Supporting Young People Through Agriculture, Health and Life Skills

Apr 15th, 2019 | By
Jasper takes care of one the pigs got from YETA

By Joshua Mirondo, youth writer for Transition Earth. Adongo Jolly, a youth from Kanagai Sub County – Dokolo district in northern Uganda, said that she was shy and afraid to seek medical care even when sick. She had little information on sexual and reproductive health (SRHR) services, especially family planning. At the age of 24,
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The Future of Growth

Apr 2nd, 2019 | By
[Photo by Flickr user Images Money via Creative Commons license]

By Dr. Milton Saier and Art Elphick, guest writers. Recent articles call for higher birthrates to spur economic growth. But upon observing the human impact on our resources and environment, many scientists consider even current economic and population growth rates unsustainable. Our world has just experienced prenominal growth. Since 1900, the population has grown by
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Why Are We Ignoring the Warning Signs of Water Scarcity?

Mar 22nd, 2019 | By
water scarcity

By Suzanne York. If humanity somehow survives the pending ecological collapse – driven by human impacts – future generations will wonder how it got so bad.  It’s a rather simple explanation though. It is a combination of greed, ignorance and sticking our heads in the sand. Case in point.  Water, and water shortages in particular. 
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The Path to Cleaner Air: Is a halt on importing old cars the solution to Uganda’s air pollution problem?

Mar 18th, 2019 | By
Cars at the Old Taxi Park in downtown Kampala (photo by Josh Mirondo)

By Joshua Mirondo, youth writer, Transition Earth. Kampala, like many growing cities around the world, suffers from bad air quality. The World Health Organization (WHO) ranked Kampala as one of the most polluted cities in the world in 2016. They carried out a research and discovered that the air in Kampala has dangerous substance small
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Assessing Future Population Growth in the Anthropocene

Mar 13th, 2019 | By
[Photo credit: James Cridland, Flickr/Creative Commons]

By Art Elphick, guest writer. There is no shortage of thought on the rate of global population growth.  What follows below is a brief analysis of whether United Nations projections are valid or of course, as well as questioning whether continued growth on a finite planet is truly feasible or beneficial. 1) Max Roser’s Assessment
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Women Are Leading the Way Towards a Healthy Planet

Mar 8th, 2019 | By
ASRI - goats for widows

By Suzanne York. It is critical to support human rights in the face of climate change and environmental degradation, as the situation grows more dire with each passing year. People everywhere must have their rights to water, food, and health acknowledged and respected, women above all. As the world recognizes International Women’s Day, let’s explore
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Rights of Nature: The Time Has Come

Feb 19th, 2019 | By
Lake Erie [photo: Harmful algae bloom. Lake Erie. July 22, 2011. Credit: NOAA.]

By Suzanne York. Whatever you can do or imagine, begin it; boldness has beauty, magic, and power in it.   ~ Goethe The rights of nature movement has hit the mainstream media, which surely is good news for those looking for a way to change the planet’s current course of continuing environmental degradation and climate disruption. 
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