Posts Tagged ‘ birthrates ’

The Future of Growth

Apr 2nd, 2019 | By
[Photo by Flickr user Images Money via Creative Commons license]

By Dr. Milton Saier and Art Elphick, guest writers. Recent articles call for higher birthrates to spur economic growth. But upon observing the human impact on our resources and environment, many scientists consider even current economic and population growth rates unsustainable. Our world has just experienced prenominal growth. Since 1900, the population has grown by
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“Have Children for the Country” – Changing Misguided Assumptions on Declining Population Growth

Jan 8th, 2019 | By
View of Tokyo 
[Photo: Creative Commons license,]

By Suzanne York. It is commonly accepted by the ‘powers that be’ that continued population growth is a great thing and declining population growth is terrible. This assumption permeates the global economy mentality, where constant growth of people and markets is the mantra. And if population growth is on a downward course, that is cause
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