Posts Tagged ‘ industrial agriculture ’

Our Eating Habits Are Killing the Planet

Jun 19th, 2020 | By

By Geoffrey Holland, guest writer for Transition Earth. Humans have been a distinct species for at least 200,000 years.  For most of those years, we were stone age nomads. Humans are omnivores, which mean we are able and willing to eat almost anything. During the Neolithic era, generally speaking, men hunted animals to eat, while
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A World of Demands on Our Farmlands

May 29th, 2014 | By
[photo credit:]

By Suzanne York, Carbon footprint size is often talked about, but what about agriculture’s footprint? Farming of crops and livestock uses more than 38 percent of the planet’s ice-free land.  Humans have cleared land that amounts to nearly the size of South America to grow crops and to raise livestock, cleared an area almost
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