Posts Tagged ‘ indigenous peoples ’

Cultivating Change for the Climate

Nov 28th, 2017 | By
Climate art outside the climate negotiation zones, Bonn [photo: Suzanne York]

By Suzanne York. The climate negotiations that took place earlier this month in Bonn, Germany (referred to as COP23) dealt with challenging issues, including the U.S. government sticking its head in the ground regarding the reality of climate change. Still, there are reasons to be somewhat hopeful that global society overall is moving in the
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Is Empathy For Nature Missing from the UN Climate Talks?

Dec 9th, 2014 | By
[photo credit: Suzanne York]

By Suzanne York, From the outside, it seems like the UN climate negotiations are all about wordsmithing, rehashing decades-old arguments on responsibility, finance and a little bit about impacts on people. It is more difficult to hear about the planet, i.e., nature, in the talks. When it does come up, nature is often reduced
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