Posts Tagged ‘ extinction ’

The True Price of Consumption

Mar 3rd, 2025 | By
whale ballerina

By Suzanne York. It should come as no surprise that consumption is killing the planet. A recent study, published in Nature, found that consumption in wealthy countries is responsible for 13% of global forest loss beyond their borders. This has been driven by globalization, which “increasingly allows countries to externalize the environmental costs of land
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Will This be the Year for Rights of Nature?

Jan 29th, 2024 | By
Photo by v2osk on Unsplash

By Suzanne York. The coming years might be a wild ride. 2023 was the warmest year on record, and this year could be even hotter. Nature is declining globally at rates unprecedented in human history, and the rate of species extinctions is accelerating. Human activities are impacting the world to such an extent that our
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Overcoming Global Inertia: The Solutions to Make Earth Day Every Day

Apr 21st, 2022 | By
[Photo by Javier Miranda on Unsplash]

By Suzanne York, Transition Earth. The world is in a funk, recovering from Covid-19 and all that changed with the pandemic.  The cost of just about everything is rising and then we throw climate change into the mix – along with other entrenched problems that existed before Covid – and we have a crisis situation.
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Gambling on Planetary Survival

Apr 22nd, 2021 | By
Spring Sun Shining Through Canopy Of Tall Oak Trees. Upper Branches Of Tree. Sunlight Through Green Tree Crown - Low Angle View.

By Suzanne York. We humans are running a very curious experiment on how much we can take from the planet before Nature tires of our exploitation.  Whether we survive to see the end of this experiment is the big question. There is a constant stream of news, reports, videos, tweets and discussions on the problems modern society
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The Dramatic Decline of Earth’s Biodiversity

Sep 19th, 2020 | By
[image: UNEP]

By Suzanne York. It feels like a moment of truth for humans and nature.  It’s obvious we are in ecological breakdown and need to change course, but will we do it? The weather is becoming increasingly erratic and harsh, from heatwaves in Europe to floods in South Asia.  Antarctica’s “doomsday” glacier is breaking. There are
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Redefining Ourselves for Survival

Jun 12th, 2020 | By
earth is better

By Geoffrey Holland, guest writer for Transition Earth. I’m always happy when consequential people make consequential remarks about stuff that matters. One of the most influential people on Earth, the revered naturalist Jane Goodall, has just delivered a consequential whopper. If you’re paying attention, you have to recognize that humanity is on a dead-end course. I’m
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Blueprint for Planetary Survival

May 14th, 2020 | By

By Suzanne York. We could call it the “COVID-19 void” or some such name, the period when so many important issues, reports, conferences and more fell to the wayside due to the overwhelming need to deal with the novel coronavirus. One such report was released last month that didn’t seem to garner much attention, which
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Saving Ourselves from Ourselves

Mar 2nd, 2020 | By

By Geoffrey Holland, guest writer. Recently, the great renaissance city of Venice, Italy flooded yet again. It is happening ever more frequently. Each time it happens, it seems to get worse. What is happening to Venice provides a foreboding glimpse of what will likely become a permanent condition in many of our Earth’s coastal cities
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How Should We Live?

Jan 30th, 2020 | By
[Photo by Shadia Fayne Wood / Survival Media Agency via People Climate March NYC. (Creative Commons)]

By Geoffrey Holland, guest writer. Nearly a century ago, an American humorist named Will Rogers said of the human condition, “When you find yourself in a hole, the first thing you do is stop digging.”  As we move through the early part of the 20th millennia, humanity is up to its ears in a hole
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The Price of Worshipping Endless Growth

Sep 25th, 2019 | By
SF climate march 2019

By Suzanne York, Transition Earth. Teen climate activist Greta Thunberg addressed the U.N. Climate Action Summit in New York City this week.  She’s gotten a lot of press and focused much attention on climate issues.  Which is a good thing, given that the Northern Hemisphere, which holds 90 percent of the world’s population, had the
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