Posts Tagged ‘ Energy ’

The Internet – An Energy Wasteland?

Jan 10th, 2018 | By
Google data center [, Creative Commons Attribution license]

By Candela Vázquez Asenjo, youth blogger, Transition Earth. As this is a post on a blog, normally you would be reading it through any of your devices using internet. However, have you ever thought about the impacts of using the Internet? Likely the answer is no. For this reason, no matter how much we try
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Our Future is Most Definitely “Malleable”

Jan 9th, 2013 | By
Women in Tamil Nadu, India, carrying water to their homes.

By Suzanne York, Forget 2013. Let’s jump ahead to the year 2030. As last year was coming to a close, and just as the global climate talks were winding down in a less-than-stellar performance by most countries, the U.S. National Intelligence Council released a report on how the intelligence community sees the next 17
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NYT: At Climate Talks, a Familiar Standoff Between U.S. and China

Dec 8th, 2011 | By

(Comment: Another year and another round of UN climate talks where finger-pointing, feet dragging, and back-and-forth discussions is the norm. As reported by the New York Times, China signaled that it would be open to signing a formal treaty limiting emissions after 2020 but with conditions that make serious efforts unlikely to happen. The stumbling
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