All entries by this author

Seafood Insecurity

Oct 9th, 2012 | By
Vietnamese Fisherfolk2

By Suzanne York, One billion poor people around the world rely upon fish and seafood as their primary source of protein. Climate change is putting these people at high risk for food insecurity, and they also face a very serious threat to their livelihoods as fisherfolk, according to the recent report Ocean-Based Food Security
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Over 222 Million Reasons to Celebrate World Contraception Day

Sep 26th, 2012 | By

By Suzanne York, World Contraception Day is September 26th. There are numerous reasons why this day should be celebrated and awareness raised on using contraceptives. Contraception makes it possible for couples to enjoy the pleasures of intimacy without the consequences of pregnancy. Fully 61 percent of all couples in the world today are having
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Africa: Green Cities & the Challenges of Urbanization

Sep 24th, 2012 | By
(photo credit: CGIAR Climate,

By Suzanne York, It is estimated that globally, every two seconds, two people move into cities. Currently twenty-two percent, or 1.5 billion people, live in 600 cities around the world. Africa is home to the fastest growing countries in terms of population growth. It is projected that the continent will double from 1.1 billion
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Celebrating Condoms – the Female Version

Sep 11th, 2012 | By
(photo: UNDP Jamaice,

By Suzanne York, It may have escaped your attention, but today, September 12th, is the first-ever Global Female Condom Day. Promoted by the National Female Condom Coalition, the purpose is to increase the number of women, men, youth and transpeople who know about, use, and advocate for female condoms. The coalition is made up
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The Reproductive Rights of Refugees

Sep 5th, 2012 | By
photo:IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation/Turkey

By Suzanne York, As the fighting and political crisis in Syria escalates, the number of people fleeing the turmoil also increases. Nearly 130,000 people have fled Syria and taken refuge in neighboring countries since the conflict began. Globally, the UN estimates that for any crisis situation, one in five women of childbearing age is
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Learning From Burning Man

Aug 28th, 2012 | By
Burning Man

By Suzanne York,  Man to burn next weekend! Are those global warming pushers behind this? No, it’s Burning Man, and it happens every year. What, you may ask, is Burning Man? As some of you probably know, it’s an annual week-long gathering of artists in the Black Rock desert of Nevada (dubbed Black Rock
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End Rape, Don’t Redefine It

Aug 23rd, 2012 | By
photo credit: h.koppdelaney

By Suzanne York, It’s been quite a week for Rep. Todd Akin. He became front-page news after uttering the sentence “If it is a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.” What he called “speaking off the cuff” has led to moral outrage from both women
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Clean vs Dirty Energy: Learning From India’s Great Blackout

Aug 22nd, 2012 | By
photo credit: Justin Guay, Sierra Club

By Suzanne York, India is a fast-developing nation with a population of 1.2 billion people, and by 2030 will likely be the most-populous in the world. India’s disparities and inequalities are staggering, with 32.7% of the population living on $1.25 per day. As the country continues to grow, the impacts on its citizens and
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The Worry Over Water

Aug 16th, 2012 | By
drought 03 - California 2009

By Suzanne York, It’s pretty obvious that summer 2012 has been one of the hottest summers in decades in the U.S., even after much of the country endured a scorching 2011. Last year Dallas,Texas had had 40 consecutive days over 100 degrees, and Oklahoma had 63 days with 100+ degree highs. This year has
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Demystifying the Demographic Dividend

Aug 9th, 2012 | By
(photo: Foro do Eixo,

By Suzanne York, Over half the world’s population of 7 billion people is age 25 or under. The opportunities we provide these youths, and the choices they make – especially in terms of health, education, and jobs – will make a huge difference in our future, including whether global population rises to 10 billion
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