Posts Tagged ‘ reproductive health ’

Putting the Affordable into Contraceptive Coverage

Jan 7th, 2014 | By
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By Suzanne York, Full coverage for birth control, as part of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), kicked in as Americans rang in the new year.  Contraception is now available for free from health insurance plans under the ACA. A key provision of the ACA requires employers with 50 or more workers to provide medical
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Getting the Word Out on Contraception

Nov 24th, 2013 | By
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By Suzanne York, Most Americans have heard about the glitches with the roll-out of the Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare. But apparently many women haven’t heard that birth control is essentially available for free under health insurance plans.  According to the Phoenix Marketing Company, which has been tracking this topic, this is
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Text Messaging and the Link to Family Planning

Nov 14th, 2013 | By
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By Suzanne York, The 2013 International Conference on Family Planning is in full swing in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, concentrated around the them of “Full Access, Full Choice.” The nearly 4,000 participants are energized around bringing family planning and reproductive rights to communities in need the world over.  Ethiopia, the second most-populous nation in Africa,
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Empowering Communities in Ethiopia

Mar 22nd, 2013 | By
Ethiopian women at one of the GPSDO village sites.

By Suzanne York, There is nothing like going out into the field and seeing first-hand what is happening on the ground to validate your work and experience.  That’s when you learn how projects, ideas and initiatives can really work (or in some cases, not work). Here in Ethiopia, after the recent conference of the
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Sequestration and the Looming Setback to Women’s Rights

Feb 27th, 2013 | By
chopping block

By Suzanne York, It’s easy, if you’re not in the Beltway, to disregard all the machinations emanating from our nation’s capital.  Do or die elections, fiscal cliffs, and now sequestration – budget cuts to end all cuts. $85 billion in federal spending reductions just for this year alone is not a joking matter.  The
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Putting Women and Reproductive Rights on the Agenda in California

Jan 24th, 2013 | By
Protect womens health

By Suzanne York, Last week, at the Women’s Policy Summit in Sacramento, promoting women’s issues took center stage for a day. An impressive array of California advocates, activists, legislators and others gathered for a conference dedicated to “Advancing Women’s Health, Wealth and Power”. One of the main themes of the day was healthcare –
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