Posts Tagged ‘ groundwater depletion ’

Why Are We Ignoring the Warning Signs of Water Scarcity?

Mar 22nd, 2019 | By
water scarcity

By Suzanne York. If humanity somehow survives the pending ecological collapse – driven by human impacts – future generations will wonder how it got so bad.  It’s a rather simple explanation though. It is a combination of greed, ignorance and sticking our heads in the sand. Case in point.  Water, and water shortages in particular. 
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The Worry Over Water

Aug 16th, 2012 | By
drought 03 - California 2009

By Suzanne York, It’s pretty obvious that summer 2012 has been one of the hottest summers in decades in the U.S., even after much of the country endured a scorching 2011. Last year Dallas,Texas had had 40 consecutive days over 100 degrees, and Oklahoma had 63 days with 100+ degree highs. This year has
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