Posts Tagged ‘ contraceptives ’

The Gender Transformative Approach to Contraception

Sep 25th, 2024 | By
[photo:  Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition, Unsplash]

By Joshua Mirondo. Uganda has one of the most youthful populations in the world, with slightly more than half of its population under age 15. The total population of Uganda in 2024 is 45.9 million people, which represents an increase of 11.3 million persons from the 2014 census. Addressing the reproductive health needs of youth
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Is a Growing Population an Asset or Challenge?

Jul 24th, 2017 | By
Ugandan kids in Buhoma, near Bwindi Impenetrable National Park [photo credit: Suzanne York]

By Suzanne York. In Uganda, home to incredible biodiversity and some of the world’s friendliest people, the idea of a growing population is viewed by some as a positive, when actually the 1.2 million people added to the population every year is putting enormous pressure on people, communities and the environment. The facts speak for
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Pressing Ahead With Empowering Women

Jun 16th, 2017 | By

By Suzanne York. A new product is being touted as a game changer for women’s health, giving women a new and easy-to-use device in the contraceptives and voluntary family planning toolkit. Unless you follow issues related to women’s reproductive health, you may not know that some 225 million women in developing countries around the world
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The Connection Between Endangered Species and Family Planning

Jun 5th, 2017 | By
Alex Ngabirano of Conservation Through Public Health

By Suzanne York. A visit to southwestern Uganda makes it clear why Churchill deemed it the “pearl of Africa.” The lush greenery, the people, the animals all make it a delightful experience. Bwindi Impenetrable National Park in southwestern Uganda is aptly named – the forest is thick as far as the eye can see, and the
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A Billion Reasons to Celebrate World Contraception Day

Sep 26th, 2013 | By
world contraceptive day

By Suzanne York, Today is celebrated as World Contraception Day.  Perhaps there are not actually a billion reasons to celebrate it, but there is a case to be made that a billion dollars would go a long way in meeting the need for contraceptives for women and families all over the world. Banks or
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Message from Millennials: Support Reproductive Rights

Aug 27th, 2013 | By
[photo credit:]

By Suzanne York, We live in interesting times, especially here in the United States.  ObamaCare is about to be implemented yet opponents continue to try and block it.  Contraceptive use and voluntary family planning services – something many take for granted – has become a point of contention too, and we are back to
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Over 222 Million Reasons to Celebrate World Contraception Day

Sep 26th, 2012 | By

By Suzanne York, World Contraception Day is September 26th. There are numerous reasons why this day should be celebrated and awareness raised on using contraceptives. Contraception makes it possible for couples to enjoy the pleasures of intimacy without the consequences of pregnancy. Fully 61 percent of all couples in the world today are having
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Celebrating Condoms – the Female Version

Sep 11th, 2012 | By
(photo: UNDP Jamaice,

By Suzanne York, It may have escaped your attention, but today, September 12th, is the first-ever Global Female Condom Day. Promoted by the National Female Condom Coalition, the purpose is to increase the number of women, men, youth and transpeople who know about, use, and advocate for female condoms. The coalition is made up
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