
Pressing Ahead With Empowering Women

Jun 16th, 2017 | By

By Suzanne York. A new product is being touted as a game changer for women’s health, giving women a new and easy-to-use device in the contraceptives and voluntary family planning toolkit. Unless you follow issues related to women’s reproductive health, you may not know that some 225 million women in developing countries around the world
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A Wake Up Call for Conservationists?

May 6th, 2017 | By
Dr. Doreen Othero presenting at the African Great Lakes Conference

By Suzanne York. A light went off for many conservationists attending the African Great Lakes Conference (AGLC) this past week. They learned that there is an integrated development model that can help make their environmental efforts successful for the long-term. It’s simple, really. By connecting population, health and environment issues, people will be empowered with
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The Congo: What’s At Stake

Apr 28th, 2016 | By
Sister Angelique, who has  helped over 2000 displaced women and girls in the DRC [photo credit: www.unhcr.org]

By Suzanne York. Mention the Congo, and it evokes thoughts of Conrad, King Leopold, diamonds, conflict, war, and also incredible biological diversity and culture. If there is anyplace on the face of the planet that seems to comprise the best and worst of humanity, it might just be the Democratic Republic of Congo. From its
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Making ‘Radical’ the Path to Empowering People and Nature

Mar 7th, 2016 | By
ASRI sign

By Suzanne York, www.transition-earth.org. Amazing things can happen when local voices are heard. In a remote pocket of the island of Indonesian Borneo, a small organization is working with the local community to link the issues of human health and protecting a fragile environment in an effort to build a brighter future.  As the world recognizes
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Standing at the Crossroads

Feb 7th, 2016 | By
[Photo credit: http://www.thebusinesswomanmedia.com]

By Suzanne York, www.transition-earth.org “We are the first generation with the knowledge of how our activities influence the Earth System, and thus the first generation with the power and the responsibility to change our relationship with the planet.” That statement was written in 2011 in a journal article by a group of some of the
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Can the World Move Beyond “Infinite-Planet Thinking?”

Mar 17th, 2015 | By
[image credit: http://neanikoipalmoi.blogspot.com/2013/01/blog-post_1924.html]

By Suzanne York. “Can the world get richer forever?” asks a recent article in the BBC News. If you ask a politician, mainstream economist or the 1%, the answer is likely to be “yes.”    As noted in the BBC piece, growth “is almost universally seen as a Good Thing.”  If you ask most environmentalists, scientists
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Is Word Getting Out that Population and Climate Change are Connected?

Jan 27th, 2015 | By
[image credit: nova.campusguides.com]

By Suzanne York. “In fact, person for person, reducing birth rates in industrialized nations has a bigger impact on greenhouse gas emissions because affluent people use more of the Earth’s resources and depend more heavily on fossil fuels.” Thus wrote the editorial board of the Los Angeles Timesover the weekend. Word is getting out that
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Saving Wildlife by Eating Green

Aug 25th, 2014 | By
[photo credit: www.greenpeace.org]

By Suzanne York. Changing the way we live, to better our lives or the environment, is not always an easy thing to do.  Yet often times simple changes can amount to big differences. Take eating less meat, for example.  Eating less meat probably has a greater impact than changing to energy-saving light bulbs. You don’t
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Family Planning is a Smart Investment

Jun 18th, 2014 | By
[photo credit: data.unfpa.org]

By Suzanne York. In a time of government budget cuts and austerity programs, family planning is a low-cost investment that yields big dividends.  And more importantly, it saves lives. Globally, there are 222 million women in developing counties who lack access to contraception.  Off these, 162 million women live in the world’s poorest countries. Barriers
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Acts of Violence Against Women: From India to the Congo to the USA

Jun 11th, 2014 | By
[photo credit: timesofindia.com]

By Suzanne York, www.howmany.org It’s been a horrific year for women’s rights across the globe.   Just in the past couple of months there has been the kidnapping of nearly 300 girls in Nigeria, an “honor” killing of a pregnant woman in Pakistan, the rape and hanging of two teenage girls in India, and a
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