All entries by this author

Raising the Youth Voice on Population and Reproductive Rights

Jun 19th, 2012 | By

By Suzanne York, Rio de Janeiro — Nearly half of the world´s population is under the age of 25, or more than 3 billion people.  In some areas of the world, young women (ages 15-19)  are twice as likely to lack access to contraceptives they desire as women over the age of twenty.  As policy-makers
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The Heavy Hitters of Population Growth & Women’s Rights

Jun 19th, 2012 | By

By Suzanne York, Rio de Janeiro — Some of the biggest names in the population and women’s empowerment movement weighed in at Rio+20 on successfully promoting these topics at the UN conference and beyond. Gro Harlem Brundtland, former president of Norway and now the UN Special Envoy on Climate Change who has been around
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Plotting Population Dynamics from Rio and Beyond

Jun 19th, 2012 | By

By Suzanne York, Rio de Janeiro — My first Rio+20 side event was titled “From Rio to Cairo to Rio…and Beyond”, but for me it was actually from San Francisco to Charlotte to Rio…and even beyond to Rio Centro, site of the UN Rio+20 conference, far from downtown..  So quite a trek just to get
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Women Are Bringing Hopes to Rio+20

Jun 14th, 2012 | By

By Suzanne York,, June 14, 2012 The past month or so has seen the release of several reports and studies focused on the state of the planet. The timing coincides with the run-up to the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, or Rio+20 Earth Summit. Most of the publications are on the increasingly dire
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Rio+20: Down to the Wire

Jun 12th, 2012 | By

By Suzanne York, “Time is running out. You still have much work to do – perhaps too much work. But you must persevere. The stakes are very, very high – for people and the planet… for peace and prosperity.” ~UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, in his address to delegates finalizing the Rio+20 Earth Summit
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Rio+20 Here We Come: But Will Population Issues Be Heard?

Jun 5th, 2012 | By

  By Suzanne York, In less than a month the world, or at least the environmentally-inclined members of the world, will be in the throes of the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD), or Rio+20. Despite the official summit focus on the green economy and sustainable development, there are many groups and individuals working
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Degrowth and Population Growth: Strengthening the Ties

May 31st, 2012 | By
Photo of David Suzuki,

By Suzanne York,, May 30, 2012 During a week spent ensconced in the depths of the concept of degrowth at the Degrowth in the Americas conference, it was encouraging to find that population issues were interwoven  into plenaries and workshops throughout the week.  The issue is often viewed as taboo and/or the elephant in
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Rio Focus: Interview with Suzanne York

May 30th, 2012 | By

Editor’s note: This interview with was originally published by Antoinette Siu at on May 24, 2012. Are you going to Rio? Do you have specific expectations? Hear from Suzanne York, from on what someone like her might expect from Rio. Antoinette: What will you be focusing on and looking to get out of Rio? Suzanne
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Dispatch from Degrowth

May 22nd, 2012 | By
Robert Lovelace, photo courtesy Fanshawe College

By Suzanne York,, May 16, 2012 Many topics were under discussion at the second full day of Degrowth in the Americas Conference: finance and degrowth, transition towns, resilient communities, public banking, and much more. The topic that most resonated with me, most likely because of their perspective on living in harmony with nature, was
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Degrowth in the Americas: Understanding and Changing Our Worldview

May 15th, 2012 | By

By Suzanne York, May 15, 2012 A full agenda was on tap here at the first main day of the Degrowth in the Americas conference. Below is some of what was discussed at the morning session, which set the stage for this week-long event. It kicked off with a showing of the film Journey of
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