All entries by this author

Shining a Light on Protecting People and the Planet

Mar 20th, 2013 | By

By Suzanne York, If you are concerned at all about world population growth, human rights (and especially women’s rights), and protecting the environment, then you should know about how PHE (Population, Health and Environment) programs can effectively address these issues. PHE projects are relatively new in the development sector, but this holistic approach recognizes
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Taking Hope and Inspiration from Amazing Women

Mar 7th, 2013 | By
Indian women farmers

By Suzanne York, This International Women’s Day (March 8th) is a great time to consider the links between women’s rights and empowerment, reproductive health, global biodiversity, and stable population growth, and how tackling these issues can result in a more sustainable world. Investing in women – namely providing education, healthcare, economic opportunities, sustainable livelihoods,
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Consumption, Endangered Species and Human Rights

Mar 5th, 2013 | By

By Suzanne York, An international conference on the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) kicked off this week in Thailand. At the two week-long conference, delegates will address how to protect endangered plants and animals around the world by implementing a ban on the illegal trade of impacted
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Sequestration and the Looming Setback to Women’s Rights

Feb 27th, 2013 | By
chopping block

By Suzanne York, It’s easy, if you’re not in the Beltway, to disregard all the machinations emanating from our nation’s capital.  Do or die elections, fiscal cliffs, and now sequestration – budget cuts to end all cuts. $85 billion in federal spending reductions just for this year alone is not a joking matter.  The
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Protect Elephants by Addressing Rights of People and Nature

Feb 22nd, 2013 | By

By Suzanne York, During that 15 minute coffee break you took this morning, somewhere across the ocean an elephant was killed.  It is estimated that every 15 minutes an elephant is slaughtered, about 40,000 annually. It makes you wonder how much longer wild elephants will roam the earth.  Because at this rate, with high
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One Billion Rising: Let’s All Rise Up and Keep on Going!

Feb 13th, 2013 | By
one billion

By Suzanne York, Kudos to Eve Ensler, performer, playwright and activist. For the past year, Ensler has spearheaded a global campaign called One Billion Rising to draw attention to the sadly pervasive crisis of violence against women. This coming Valentine’s Day, One Billion Rising actions will take place all over the world, in at
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GDP: Improving the “Grossly Distorted Picture”

Feb 7th, 2013 | By
dollar sign

By Suzanne York,   Recently the Post Carbon Institute hosted a web chat called Enough is Enough: Exploring the path towards “America the Possible featuring the work of two authors working diligently to change the endless economic growth narrative so entrenched in today’s global society. James Gustave Speth is author of America the Possible:
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Rhinos and Tigers and…Oh Wait, Let’s Limit Their Numbers

Feb 4th, 2013 | By

By Suzanne York, A recent story on BBC News epitomizes some of the challenges for balancing conservation efforts and the needs of people. The news article of note addressed wildlife, endangered species, development, and population growth in Nepal. Titled Attacks Prompt Nepal to Cap Wildlife Growth, the BBC reports that “Officials in Nepal have
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Putting Women and Reproductive Rights on the Agenda in California

Jan 24th, 2013 | By
Protect womens health

By Suzanne York, Last week, at the Women’s Policy Summit in Sacramento, promoting women’s issues took center stage for a day. An impressive array of California advocates, activists, legislators and others gathered for a conference dedicated to “Advancing Women’s Health, Wealth and Power”. One of the main themes of the day was healthcare –
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Have You Had Enough? A Plan for a Sustainable Economy

Jan 18th, 2013 | By

  By Suzanne York, [H]ere’s the deal: forget that this task of planet-saving is not possible in the time required. Don’t be put off by people who know what is not possible. Do what needs to be done, and check to see if it was impossible only after you are done. ~Paul Hawken This
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