All entries by this author

Earth Overshoot and Ending Our Debt to Nature

Aug 8th, 2016 | By
Earth Overshoot

By Suzanne York. Most people in the world will blithely go about their lives on August 8th, without knowing that on this day, we go into debt to nature. Otherwise known as Earth Overshoot Day, it is the day when humanity’s resource consumption for the year exceeds the planet’s ability to replenish its natural capital.
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Charting a Course from Charcoal to Clean Energy

Jul 28th, 2016 | By

By Suzanne York. Forests play a major role in maintaining life on Earth.   Yet with some exceptions (see India Plants 50 Million Trees in One Day), deforestation continues, with seemingly little regard for the consequences. The recently released UN Food and Agriculture Organization’s (FAO) State of the World’s Forests (Sofo) report found that, amongst tropical
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An Investment in Girls is an Investment for All

Jul 10th, 2016 | By
Jamila Zeyne, who is 20 years old, and who has been married since she was 13, poses for a photograph in her house as  part of a UNICEF photo project to show Girls Empowerment in Mareko, Ethiopia Saturday, Feb. 14, 2015. The project aims to document the hopes, dreams and aspirations of Ethiopian girls in different parts of the country. Jamila says: "“I got married because my father forced me to. I was given two options, either to get married or to be sent to the Arab countries to work. I am not happy because I wanted to study. If the government introduces night school in our area I will go back to learn. Early marriage is bad because when we get pregnant and want to deliver, it is very difficult for our bodies. We are too young managing a home is not easy".

By Suzanne York. July 11th is officially recognized as World Population Day, a day meant to raise awareness on the impacts of population growth on people and the environment. This year’s theme for World Population Day is “investing in teenage girls.” In much of the world today their needs are shunted to the back burner
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States are Stepping Up for Women’s Rights

Jun 20th, 2016 | By
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By Suzanne York, Lately it seems that most of the news on women’s reproductive rights is focused on the shutting down of access to reproductive health/family planning services. But there are actually some good policies on women’s reproductive health that have been passed this year at the state level. In May, the state of Maryland
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Forest Guardians and Discount Clinics: Rethinking How to Save the Environment

Jun 8th, 2016 | By
Former illegal loggers now working in conservation for ASRI

By Suzanne York and A.Tianna Scozzaro. In the southwestern part of Indonesian Borneo, known as Kalimantan, there’s a small town on the outskirts of an incredibly diverse forest where the community has turned from illegal logging to stewards of the land. Sukadana borders Gunung Palung National Park, home to an estimated 2,500 orangutans. As much
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In the Crossfire: Women Environmental Defenders

May 20th, 2016 | By
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By Suzanne York. Some of the greatest and most dedicated guardians of our planet are women. At Women Deliver, an international conference dedicated to improving the lives of women, it is heartening to see the efforts of female environmental defenders being acknowledged. With the International Day for Biological Diversity recognized on May 22 (this year’s
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The Congo: What’s At Stake

Apr 28th, 2016 | By
Sister Angelique, who has  helped over 2000 displaced women and girls in the DRC [photo credit:]

By Suzanne York. Mention the Congo, and it evokes thoughts of Conrad, King Leopold, diamonds, conflict, war, and also incredible biological diversity and culture. If there is anyplace on the face of the planet that seems to comprise the best and worst of humanity, it might just be the Democratic Republic of Congo. From its
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Earth Day: The Time Has Come For Change

Apr 22nd, 2016 | By

By Suzanne York. Yet another Earth Day is upon us, now officially known as International Mother Earth Day. In honor of it this year, some real steps forward are taking place, with the signing of the Paris climate accord today which, amongst other things, strives for limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius above preindustrial
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How Much Longer Will We Take Water for Granted?

Mar 31st, 2016 | By
Woman collecting water in Phulakhrara village [Photo credit: waterdotorg at]

By Suzanne York. The poorest people in the world are paying the highest price for safe water, according to WaterAid’s report, Water: At What Cost? The State of the World’s Water 2016. Worldwide, some 650 million people in the world still do not have access to clean water and more than 2.3 billion do not
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Youth Unemployment – A Ticking Time Bomb?

Mar 14th, 2016 | By

By Suzanne York. If you are a parent or a teacher, you might be excused for occasionally thinking that there are too many young people. But it’s true that there are a lot of young men and women living right now, as noted in a recent op-ed in the New York Times by Somini Sengupta,
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