Archive for August 2013

Women’s Rights and a Sustainable World Go Hand in Hand

Aug 29th, 2013 | By
Environmental activists at Rio+20: Marina Silva, Sheyla Jurana, and Vandana Shiva [photo credit: Kim Lovell]

By Suzanne York, Women’s health and reproductive rights go hand in hand with a sustainable environment. When women’s needs are met, they are able to better manage resources, confront the effects of climate change and handle climate mitigation and adaptation, and overall support sustainable communities. Biodiversity loss affects access to education and gender equality
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Message from Millennials: Support Reproductive Rights

Aug 27th, 2013 | By
[photo credit:]

By Suzanne York, We live in interesting times, especially here in the United States.  ObamaCare is about to be implemented yet opponents continue to try and block it.  Contraceptive use and voluntary family planning services – something many take for granted – has become a point of contention too, and we are back to
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Population, Global Food Security & Empowering People

Aug 23rd, 2013 | By
[photo credit:]

By Suzanne York, Can the world improve food security in the face of rising food prices, population growth, climate change, poverty, and gender inequality? New research in the journal Climatic Change found that a changing climate will likely push food prices up 20 to 40%, regardless of cuts to future carbon emissions.  As reported
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Shooting Ourselves in the Foot? Oil Dependence vs. Nature

Aug 21st, 2013 | By
[photo credit:

By Suzanne York, Forget nature, as oil trumps conservation once again.  Last week, Rafael Correa, Ecuador’s president, announced the end of an innovative plan to protect one of the most biodiverse places on the planet, opting instead to allow drilling for oil. Known as the Yasuní-ITT Initiative, the plan called for permanently leaving more
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Blowing the Budget: Overspending Nature’s Wealth

Aug 16th, 2013 | By
earth overshoot day

By Suzanne York, If there is one day that all of humanity can recognize together, it would be that of Earth Overshoot Day.  This is the day that global resource consumption for the year exceeds the planet’s ability to replenish its natural capital. Or to put it another way, it is comparable to living
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The Links between Trade and Population: A Look at the Trans-Pacific Partnership

Aug 14th, 2013 | By
TPP protestors in Japan [photo credit:]

By Suzanne York, The relationship between trade and population is based on one main thing, and that is growth.  Growth of people, growth of goods and services, and growth of markets and capital. The latest population projection from the United Nations is for a world population of 8.1 billion people by 2025, and 9.6
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Out of Our Fracking Minds

Aug 9th, 2013 | By
Mora County, NM bans fracking, June 2013 [photo credit:]

By Suzanne York, We are well into summer 2013, and in the West temperatures are high, wildfires are raging, and droughts are in effect in many states. One state that has been hit particularly hard is New Mexico.  Nearly 90 percent of the state is experiencing extreme to exceptional drought conditions, and the Rio
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Empowering People and Protecting the Environment: Putting PHE in Place

Aug 6th, 2013 | By
Fisherfolk of Lake Victoria [photo:]

By Suzanne York, Confronted with so much grim news 24/7 – severe droughts and floods, poverty, loss of biodiversity, and much, much more – people are understandably hungry for something positive. Fortunately, there are some dedicated organizations and government agencies working to improve peoples’ lives and natural environment via an approach linking issues that
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Improving Food Security in Africa – Women Are the Answer

Aug 2nd, 2013 | By
Food security

By Suzanne York, The headlines out of the Sahel region of Africa (and Sub-Saharan Africa) are not good, and are reflective of climate change, food insecurity, and poverty.  The situation highlights the need to invest in and empower women as one answer to these problems. The Food & Agriculture Organization’s (FAO) Situation Update on
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